Design Articles

Design Articles

Design Articles featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



An energy efficient eco house for young family on 120 acre Yallingup property that embodied their ideals to live sustainably and off-grid.The residence is elevated for views, cooling breezes and large northern glazing for radiant heat gain with harvested rainwater storage of 550,000 Litres. The residence boasts a 5.5 kilowatt photovoltaic system behind anthra zinc parapet.It is power and water self-sufficient,incorporating passive solar design principles and is surrounded by citrus,nut and pomme fruit orchards which are sited to permaculture principles as part of the design brief.

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Casa Ramos Pinto, which has been combining innovation with tradition in the production of wine Ports since 1880, has surprised the market by launching this multi-functional packaging, created and produced by the Portuguese advertising agency Omdesign, for its iconic RP 10YO. This is highly innovative with two cork blocks and an outer sleeve of pressed cardboard that unites the two parts. It may be used afterwards for multiple purposes, for example as a cooler, somewhere to keep your pocket contents, pen holder, jar or even a flower vase.

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Clean Energy Center

The structure is approximately 15,000 GSF of flexible office, meeting, and laboratory space in a modern and sustainable LEED certified facility. The goal was to utilize as many sustainable systems as possible, in order to promote the Center as an example of energy efficient and sustainable design for the region.

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A bright grotto–a contemporary abstraction of nature–is the design concept for this underground washroom. Sustainability, spatial sculpting, human comfort drive the design. The grotto retains the original layout, uncovers two round, tilted square columns to form a unique white mass; seamless curve surfaces diffuse light and omit dirty edges. Plants, irrigated by filtered greywater, purify the air, add life and colors. The original sandstones are crushed as gold aggregates of the new terrazzo floor. Integrated tap-hand dryer, waterless urinal and toilet largely reduce water-use and waste.

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Stitching Gifts DIY

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TetraPOT is a sea defence system made of concrete. It comes with plant seeds in a decomposable pot. Randomly distributed TetraPOTs along coastlines will eventually interlock to create a long-lasting sea defence of growing trees and roots that help keep the blocks in place. As plants keep growing inside out from TetraPOT, the roots intertwine and gradually form a natural sea defence. The design not only prevents soil erosion, but also helps to protect and create a natural habitat.

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Design interview of the day

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