Design Articles

Design Articles

Design Articles featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Parabosol Water Cleaning Unit is developed as an innovative solution towards deep rural water supply for rural communities who suffer from a lack of access to clean water. Parabosol is basically a solar powered water treatment system, a portable water treatment unit which can be setup anywhere in remote areas. This system purifies water by using parabolic mirror which boils water at high temperature, not industrially but individually for the first time.

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View Dynamic Glass

View is the pioneer in large-scale architectural dynamic glass, a new generation of glass that intelligently changes tint levels in response to external and internal conditions, providing enhanced occupant comfort, control, and energy efficiency. View’s glass changes tint over the course of a day based upon latitude/longitude, sun angle, cloud cover, and where people sit. View Dynamic Glass also enables new building designs with larger glass areas. View is the only company able to manufacturing dynamic glass at sizes of 5 feet by 10 feet, a critical size to reach widespread adoption.

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Duncan Shotton Design Studio

In short, everything I create, be it for a client, a collaborating partner or a private individual, is designed with the main focus on making people smile. I deliver products and solutions a little out of the ordinary, that engage people emotionally, promote happiness and ensure people love what they are doing, wherever they are and whoever they're there with.

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cellulose net tube

A garbage slick the size of Germany is drifting in the Pacific. Using packaging that is biodegradable not only limits the drain on fossil resources but also allows biodegradable substances to enter the supply chain. The Verpackungszentrum Graz has successfully made a step in this direction by developing tubular nets using compostable Modal cellulose fibres from thinning of home forests. The nets first appeared on supermarket shelves at Rewe Austria in December 2012. 10 tonnes of plastic can be saved by Rewe alone, simply by changing the packaging for organic potatoes, onions and citrus fruit.

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Safe Agua Colombia: Calientamigos

Calientamigos allows impoverished families living without hot running water to heat and pressurize water for bathing, cooking and cleaning. The system is comprised of three modular components: a portable electric water heater; a foot pump that pressurizes the warm water; and a multi-purpose faucet head. It heats water more quickly, at a lower cost than existing methods, is more affordable than existing market options and more accessible than installing a gravity-fed water system. Design Team: Tianyi Sun, Della Tosin, Kevin Chang; Partner Org: TECHO Colombia, Socialab, Compartamos Con Colombia

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Backpack Bed™

The Backpack Bed is provided to both street sleeping homeless people turned away from shelter & disaster victims. Looks like a backpack but rolls out into a waterproof, warm and dry portable bed. Ultralight 2.9kg. Ergonomically shaped backpack straps, 190cm comfort mattress with silver foil insulation backing, 3 zipped mosquito mesh windows, hidden internal lockable pocket & lock. Plus multiple storage zones. Totally fire retardant. The Backpack Bed has multiple functionality in one - it is a backpack, bed, sun & wind shelter and a life saving device.

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