Design Articles

Design Articles

Design Articles featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Bamboo is a renewable resource, its growth cycle is very short,there are a lot of bamboo resources in China, as the environment becomes worse and worse,The use of renewable resources is particularly important.The design of a pen reference the simple structure of Chinese traditional bamboo clip, which including two same bamboo,and connected by a torsion spring, It simplifies the process of replacing the cartridge greatly. On the other hand, brush pot can also be used as a clip,This is a sustainable design and can to promote the harmony of human and nature.

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Recycle Collection Center, Cyberjaya

Cyberjaya Recycling Center is the efforts were made to promote its residence to separate and recycle their waste since the township is being promoted as a Green City of the future for people to work, play and live. What was lacking before the completion of this building is a center for collecting of recycle materials. These materials are sold by the residents here to encourage the people living in Cyberjaya to recycle their waste and earning money rather than throwing them inside the waste bin which will go straight to the dumping ground. A site of approximately 0.246 acre or 10,716 sq ft.

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Social integration of the blind is not just about building accessible infrastructures but being emotionally inclusive with each other. Many sighted still feel embarrassed or sorry when they see blind people. Sorry only creates distance. See beyond prejudice and sorry, see beyond the dark glasses. Beyond all these you will meet someone. Most blind people feel great, live a full life, have fully accepted their blindness, and actually this is what they want you to think about them. Beyond is a glasses collection for blind people. Beyond is about feeling good.

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Invisible Farm

Invisible Farm is the art installation to capitalize the possibility of vertical farming with your window in urban living space. It is inspired by the typical metal frames around the windows in Taiwan residential buildings to be able to design custom hydroponic farming system with simple mechanical system. The installation of Invisible Farm was successfully exhibited in CMP Block of Taichung where is the one of most popular art gallery in the city.

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X alarm

X alarm, is an alarm for smokers to make them realize what they are doing to themselves while they are doing it.This design is a new generation of cigarette filters .This design can be a good replacement for expensive advertisements against smoking and it has more influence on smokers minds than any other negative advertising.It has a very simple structure, the filters are stamped with an invisible ink that covers the negative area of the sketch and with each puff the sketch will appear clearer so with each puff you will see your heart is getting darker and you know what is happening to you.

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ToyBox is designed to provide play opportunities to the world's most venerable children. Through the innovative re-appropriation of existing cardboard aid packaging, ubiquitously used by charities to distribute relief aid to disaster hit areas in the BoP (Bottom of the Pyramid), ToyBox provides opportunities for both play and education. In this way, adopting a design-driven approach, ToyBox alters the meaning of an aid carton, from purely utilitarian, expendable cardboard box to an opportunity for engagement, play and discovery.

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